memonizerBODY Classic | Personal EMF Protection

from £88.00

This wristband is designed to support both adults and children as they go about their life in our environmentally polluted world. It acts as a harmonising source placed onto the skin to inform the circulatory and nervous system how to better deal with any EMF it is exposed to, from low frequency to the millimetre waves of 5G. The memonizerBODY supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself, without the constant and damaging interference of electrosmog.

The strap is waterproof and can be worn on either the wrist or ankle, with an expected working life of 5 year's before needing to be replaced.

Available in 8 strap colours and 2 clasp colours, accommodating circumferences up to 21cm. Any excess length for smaller wrists and ankles can easily be cut off and the end is then entirely hidden inside the metal clasp.

Strap Colour:
Clasp Colour:
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